A Framework for Leadership—A Rough Guide to Leadership Models and Theories

Michael Fullan describes organizational change as rocket science. He says this because we are inundated with complex, unclear, and often contradictory advice.

Change is messy.

So, Michael Fullan created the pentagon leadership model, or framework for leadership, to deal with the often confused and difficult reality of leading change.

Charismatic leaders inadvertently often do more harm than good because, at best, they provide episodic improvement followed by frustrated or despondent dependency. – Michael Fullan

Fullan’s leadership model has five themes:

  • moral purpose,
  • understanding change,
  • relationship building,
  • knowledge creation and sharing, and
  • coherence making.

Leading In a Culture of Change

So, let’s take a closer look at this model, which first appeared in Michael Fullan’s book, Leading In a Culture of Change.

A Framework For Leadership

Michael Fullan’s framework for leadership model describes the core values and practices of leaders responsible for change. Now, in my opinion, that means managers and team leaders at all levels of the organization.

Moral purpose

What is moral purpose? And, of greater importance, why is it important when leading change?