Do You Recognize the 5 Early Warning Signs of Ineffective Leadership?

Did you know that your behaviour is the biggest obstacle to achieving great things? And that leadership skills alone won’t get you where you need to be.

It is character—your leadership qualities—that matter.

So, let’s take a closer look at 5 early warning signs of ineffective leadership. Let’s equip ourselves with the leadership qualities needed to improve team performance.

5 Early Warning Signs of Ineffective Leadership

You may think you know what to do. But leadership isn’t just about doing. It’s also about who we are and how we approach tasks.

Use these early warning signs, and I stress early because it’s never too late to learn, to change your beliefs, behaviours and personality.

Are you visible, but unavailable?

So, you lead people? I guess you’ll know the names of employees… and a little about their personal lives too? Perhaps you practice management by walking around?

Sounds like you’re popular with the team. But, are you? The thing is, this is not enough. You need to make yourself available to the team.

Being there doesn’t motivate the team. Being there doesn’t improve team performance. But committing to spend time with the team does. Successful leaders meet the team in their time and on their terms.

So, be available for them. Be intent on setting time aside to meet each employee at set times. That’s when the team gets to know you. That’s when the team sees who you really are. This is where you earn respect and trust.

Do you give answers rather than guide the team?

The team is there to solve problems. The team there to find the best ways of doing things. Do you tell the team what to do? And jump in feet first and share an opinion?

This isn’t a leadership quality you want. Really. In fact, it’s a sure-fire way to sap motivation and stop creativity and innovation.

Giving answers says: I don’t value your opinion.

Successful leaders take time to understand an issue or problem. Then they ask coaching questions to find the best way forward. Successful leaders ask the team, “What do you think?”

Do you practice communication, but not openness?

Here’s an interesting fact. One of the most popular complaints employees make about their manager is a lack of communication.