Managing Power-Driven Resistance to Change

This post examines power-driven resistance and offers the project leader some guidance on managing power-driven resistance to change.

Change can have a big impact on management positions. Responding to COVID-19, some organizations are reshaping their services. This often leads to restructuring and flatter organizational structures.

In turn, managers anticipate reduced status, authority, or autonomy and attempt to obstruct the change initiative. This is power-driven resistance to change.

However, recognizing those who are affected in this way is not straightforward. You can easily misinterpret this as cognitive or ideological resistance to change.

People perceive that the proposed change will lead to a loss of power, autonomy and self-control. That is, they fear reduced status and autonomy.

Power-Driven Resistance

When implementing change, keep an eye out for power-driven resistance to change, as this will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the change initiative. Managers that fear the loss of power are usually in positions of influence and can easily disrupt your plans.

From their position of authority, they take over change programmes or projects and propose alternative strategies to undermine your plans. Moreover, they obstruct change through their negative attitude and passive-aggressive behaviour.