What Extroverts Should Know About Introverts—3 Tips for Understanding an Introvert

In this post, the Lazy Leader dispels some myths about introversion and explains what extroverts should know about introverts. We also share 3 practical tips for understanding introverts.

Quiet people are often found to have profound insights. The shallow water in a brook or river runs fast: the deep water seems calmer. – James Rogers

What Extroverts Should Know About Introverts

I’m a right-brained introvert. But I’m neither shy nor aloof. At work, I appear calm, self-contained, and notice detail many others don’t see. I listen more than I talk. And I prefer to think before I speak; often rehearsing things first. I am creative.

These are some of my personality traits. You may share some of them or none.

It doesn’t matter. We are all different, there is no right point of view.

The pendulum of the mind oscillates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong. – Carl Jung

We must each learn to live with the natural range of our temperament. And in so doing, we can learn to value the strengths of both introverts and extroverts.

Understanding An Introvert

We are all born with an innate temperament. Our genes prescribe where we rest on a continuum between extremes of introversion and extroversion.

Understanding an introvert isn’t rocket science, it’s simply recognizing and valuing differences.

Since physiology determines our temperament, it is not something we can change. Therefore, it is beneficial to understand our temperament and our personality preferences, so we may appreciate the differences between ourselves and those we live and work with.

Introverts are born with a healthy capacity to listen to their inner world. Indeed, this is where they draw strength.

In contrast, the external world energizes extroverts.

3 Main Differences Between Introverts and Extroverts

Sometimes extroverts misunderstand and undervalue introverts. Unfortunately for introverts, an extrovert bias is the social norm. Some claim that introverts are self-absorbed, self-centred, reserved, or shy. This is incorrect. It is a misunderstanding.

Thinking and talking

Earlier I said I prefer to think before I speak. This is one of the main differences between introverts and extroverts. Introverts need time to form and express an opinion, whereas extroverts tend to speak with spontaneity.

Extroverts often misinterpret such hesitation. At meetings, I may have little to say. However, that does not mean I am disinterested or holding back information.

In truth, I am forming opinion, gathering facts or deciding what action to take. I have no desire to say something simply to hear my voice.