
Leadership Skills
Leadership Skills
In today’s uncertain times, organizations must utilize all of their assets—know-how, technology, and people—to survive. As a leader, you have a great opportunity to champion inside your organization. But what do you need to do to influence people and change?
Leading Change
Leading Change
Leading in a culture of change is less about following process steps and far more about understanding and insight. Do you have the confidence and capability to take risks and navigate your team through change?
Personal Learning
Personal Learning
Connect with our community to tap into a broad wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise, and learn how to set yourself effective personal goals and find the motivation you need to achieve them. Are you ready to reach your full potential?
Project Management
Project Management
We all want to be a project manager, right? But what does being a project manager mean, and how can we strengthen our project management skills to successfully engage others, enthusiastically plan and control tasks, and identify and manage risk?
Leadership Teams
Leadership Teams
We all manage teams, yes? And how often is poor performance at the root of those issues that give us so much grief? So, what do we need to do to create and sustain high-performance teams?
Strategy Tools
Strategy Tools
The essential and the most popular business strategy tools for anyone who has to work with people. The Lazy Leader offers well-researched and well-explained strategy tools that are easy to understand. Do you want to improve yourself? Or do you want to understand and improve others?
Models and Theories
Models and Theories
Because there are so many models and frameworks of leadership, it can get a little confusing. So, the Lazy Leader offers members the Rough Guide to Leadership Models. In this series, we present various leadership models clearly and concisely, so you may reflect on what they have to offer you.
How to Guides
How to Guides
Our how-to guides will help you and challenge you. Our topics include personal learning, self-reflection, managing teams and leading change, and are always brief and straight to the point. So let us help you solve problems!
Why is problem-solving important? Problem-solving is about identifying a problem, developing possible solutions, and taking the right course of action. Use the empowering potential of problem-solving to develop practical and creative solutions, and to show independence and initiative.
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Do you want to learn from your mistakes or the mistakes of others? Or do you want to know how to be more efficient? Whether you want to motivate your team or make the right decision, we have the tools and models to help you. Prepare to be challenged and tested.
Communication Skills
Communication Skills
What are communications skills? Communication skills allow you to understand and be understood by others. They are vital to strengthening relationships and promoting collaboration and adaptability. Good communication involves understanding requests, asking questions and relaying key information.
From time-to-time, we may post announcements on this website. An archive of these messages can be found in this category.
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