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This brilliant infographic—Dr. Carmella’s Guide to Understanding the Introverted by Roman Jones—will help you understand how introverted people “tick”.
So, you want a new job? Perhaps you fancy a change, and you’re stuck in a rut? Maybe you think you’re not appreciated? Or, you think your job sucks? In this post, we look at the steps you need to take to find your dream job.
The workplace is built on relationships. Yet, building relationships at work is often neglected. Especially by those in positions of leadership and authority.
Sometimes people react to difficult situations by being aggressive. So, how do you deal with aggression? What’s the best approach? Stick with me, and I’ll show you how to deal with aggressive people at work.
In a simple, but effective short text for novice leaders, a book illustrates seven key elements of leadership. However, there's an undocumented eighth lesson that is equally important and often overlooked.
Meetings consume lots of time. It’s where we do business. Or rather, where business should be done. Yet, we all experience bad meetings. But it need not be this way.
In this post, we reflect on one of the greatest sea battles of World War II and the lasting legacy of HMS Hood. It’s a story of tragedy and cover-ups, and a lesson for all leaders today.