Warning: Stop Regretting Decisions

Warning: Stop Regretting Decisions

There was a time when I would look back and finds things to regret. I believed I had made the wrong decision. I was wrong, I had made the right decision.

In every success story you find someone has made a courageous decision. — Peter F. Drucker

Life is all about decisions. So stop regretting decisions… stop regretting past decisions.

  1. Shall I stay on at school or get a job?
  2. Am I going to take that new job?
  3. Will I take her hand and lead her away?

Why You Should Stop Regretting Decisions

The decisions we make are the only ones we can make. And, I’m glad I made these decisions…

  • I chose to leave school at sixteen. I knew what I wanted to do and got a place on one of the best engineering apprenticeships in the United Kingdom. By the time some of my peers finished studying, I had bought my first house. I got my degree a little later.
  • I took a job offer that didn’t work out and hated the travelling. It wasn’t the right move for me. However, during that year I learned more about myself than I thought possible. I re-evaluated my career and decided to do something entirely different.
  • It was the last day of the holiday. The group couldn’t decide what to do, so I took her hand, and we went for a walk. A couple of years later we were married.

So, whatever decision we make, it has to be the only one we could make. Otherwise, we would have done something different.

So, stop regretting decisions and enjoy what you have and be the person you chose to be. When things go well, enjoy life. And when they don’t, learn from the experience and set yourself a new goal.

What do you do when things don’t go to plan? You are welcome to share your experiences in the comments.

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