10 Signs of Micromanagement—Strategies for Dealing With Micromanagers

10 Signs of Micromanagement—Strategies for Dealing With Micromanagers

Understand why micro-managers are bad news for business and bad news for employees, and learn how to handle them.

Let’s take a look at the signs of micromanagement.

Stick with me, and I’ll share some strategies for managing the micromanager. But first, let’s define micromanagement…

The Signs of Micromanagement

Here are 10 clear signs of micromanagement.

Are you a micro-manager? Do you know one?

Let’s see…

Micro-managers lack personal leadership and tend to:

  1. Resist delegating work
  2. Immerse themselves in the work assigned to others
  3. Look at the detail instead of the big picture
  4. Discourage others from making decisions
  5. Get involved in the work of others without consulting them
  6. Monitor what’s least important and expect regular reports on miscellany
  7. Push aside the experience and knowledge of colleagues
  8. Loose loyalty and commitment
  9. Focus on the wrong priorities
  10. Have a de-motivated team

Micromanagement is mismanagement

Micro-managers are bad news for business and bad news for employees. They dis-empower staff, stifle opportunity and innovation, and give rise to poor performance.

Micromanagement is just plain bad management.

If you believe your team can’t be trusted and can’t do a proper job, it won’t be long before they believe you! Micromanagement is a sure way to ensure your team won’t reach its full potential.

Coping With Micromanagers

So, how do you cope with a micromanager?

Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out. – Ronald Reagan

Changing their behaviour isn’t easy, but it is possible in time and with great patience and resilience!

Here’s my advice…

Assess your behaviour

Are you doing anything that could give your manager cause for concern? Are you giving the job your full attention?

Perhaps your manager is a stickler for good timekeeping, and you take a more relaxed approach. Try to match up to their values and beliefs.

Understand your manager

Learn to see things from their point of view.

By understanding the signs of micromanagement — knowing what they are trying to achieve — you may find that you can help them realize their goals.

Pursuing a common goal will help build trust, and this will give you more freedom.

Challenge your manager

Insist on having regular 1:1 supervision sessions.

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